Laserlab-Europe AISBL elects new Executive Director
14.08.2023 - John Collier of CLF succeeds Jens Biegert of ICFO who has headed the organization since 2021.
The General Assembly of Laserlab-Europe AISBL, the international not-for-profit association representing 47 leading laser research infrastructures in 22 European countries, has elected John Collier, director of the Central Laser Facility (CLF), an institution of the Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK, as its new executive director.
Prior to assuming the role of executive director, Collier has been the vice-chair of the general assembly of Laserlab-Europe AISBL since March 2022 and has been actively involved in the association for many years. Besides his work for Laserlab-Europe, he has led the CLF for over a decade, building it into one of the world’s leading research centers using lasers, and establishing the CLF at the heart of major international programmes.
“I am delighted to have been elected the new executive director. I look forward to working with colleagues across Europe to further strengthen and develop laser and photonic-based science throughout the continent.” stated John Collier.
Outgoing executive director Jens Biegert said: “It has been a tremendous honor serving the association. I am proud of our progress and how closely we work together as European laser community. I am confident that John Collier will provide the leadership and foresight to steer Laserlab-Europe into a promising future. I wish him all the best.”
The members of the general assembly congratulate John Collier and thank Jens Biegert for his achievements and commitment in leading the Laserlab-Europe association.
The Laserlab-Europe AISBL provides leadership in laser-based and photonics research, and in related technologies, through a wide range of world-leading investigative capabilities, user training, and services. The association understands itself as the home for laser-based research in Europe, formulating and promoting new developments in laser-based research that are pursued in a flexible and coordinated fashion beyond the potential of a national scale.
Further reading: Laserlab-Europe elects Jens Biegert as new Director,, 18 November 2021
Laserlab-Europe AISBL
Rue du Trône 98
1050 Brussels