
Spectaris general meeting sets course for future work

19.09.2024 - Fresh air in the re-elected and proven leadership team of the German industry association.

New board members were elected at this year's general meeting of the German industry association Spectaris on September 18. This election of seven board members brings both continuity and a breath of fresh air to the association’s leadership, according to chairman Dr Bernhard Ohnesorge.

Christoph Miethke, managing majority shareholder of the medical technology company of the same name, was newly elected to the Board. He holds the office of Chairman of the Berlin / Brandenburg region, where he is already active in various honorary positions in business organizations. The other six positions were filled by the current members.

André Schulte was re-elected as Deputy Chairman. As CEO of Weinmann Emergency Medical Technology, Schulte brings significant international experience and involvement in national and European committees to this position.

Mathis Kuchejda, chairman of the association of analytical, bio and laboratory technology, and managing director of analytical equipment manufacturer Schmidt + Haensch, continues in his role as treasurer.

Dr Sebastian Braun-Lüdicke was confirmed as chairman of the Baden-Württemberg regional group. From October 2024, he will take up a new management position at Aesculap. He is also a member of the Spectaris “Next Generation” decision-making group.

Roland Dimbath remains chairman of the Bavarian regional group. With his COO experience at Rodenstock and his strong commitment to regional politics, he will represent the interests of the Bavarian members.

Justus Wehmer remains chairman of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony regional groups. Not only as CFO of Carl Zeiss Meditec, but also with his previous management positions at Zeiss, Wehmer is familiar with the entire Spectaris industry spectrum.

Friedrich Schmitz was re-elected as chairman of the North Rhine-Westphalia regional group. As Managing Director of Schmitz Medical and a committed representative of the Next Generation working group at Spectaris, Schmitz will represent the interests of the North Rhine-Westphalian members.

In a farewell ceremony, the outgoing board members Dr Thomas Renner, chairman of the Berlin/Brandenburg regional group, and Lukas Eckermann, chairman of the Bremen/Lower Saxony regional group, were honored.

Dr Ohnesorge commented on the board elections: “In these turbulent times, we need strong and committed association work in order to master the challenges facing the Spectaris industries.”

At the general meeting, Ohnesorge presented a concept on how the association is positioning itself for the future. For example, the new board of directors intends to work resolutely to reduce excessive bureaucracy and create a more efficient political framework. As at the Spectaris Future Festival at the Berlin Tagungswerk, the focus will be on forward-looking topics such as sustainability, modern corporate management and artificial intelligence.

Further reading: Maik Müller becomes new photonics chairman at Spectaris,, 29 November 2023


SPECTARIS – German Industry Association for Optics, Photonics, Analytical and Medical Technologies

Werderscher Markt 15
10117 Berlin

+49 30 4140 21 0
+49 30 4140 21 33

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