
Jenoptik with a sales increase of 22 percent

Order backlog rises to 543.5 Million Euros

01.04.2022 - Jenoptik achieved sales of around 750 million euros in the continued operations in 2021, an increase of 22 percent (previous year 615.5 million euros). Sales increased particularly in the Asia/Pacific region with an increase of 64.8 percent. Europe (excluding Germany) recorded a sales increase of 11.1 percent, America increased by 28.0 percent. A total of 81.4 percent of sales were generated abroad after 76.9 percent in the 2020 financial year.

The profitability of the continued operations was significantly increased thanks to the increase in sales but also due to positive one-off effects of EUR 30.5 million in connection with the acquisitions of Trioptics and Interob and positive effects resulting from the restructuring measures taken in 2020. EBITDA improved by 67.9 percent from 92.8 million euros to 155.7 million euros (including PPA effects of minus 2.1 million euros (prior year minus 4.6 million euros)). The previous year's result was burdened by costs from structural and portfolio measures of EUR 19.1 million. In 2021, EBITDA without the one-off effects reached EUR 125.2 million. The EBITDA margin rose to 20.7 percent (prior year: 15.1 percent), excluding the one-off effects to 16.7 percent.

At EUR 108.1 million and an increase of 128.2 percent, EBIT also clearly exceeded the previous year's figure of EUR 47.4 million. The EBIT margin thus improved to 14.4 percent (prior year 7.7 percent). In addition to the above-mentioned non-recurring income, EBIT also includes effects from the purchase price allocations of minus 16.4 million euros as a result of the acquisitions made in 2021 and in previous years (prior year minus 14.9 million euros); in the previous year, effects from structural and portfolio measures were also included.

The order intake of the continued business areas showed a dynamic growth of 57.6 percent to 936.7 million euros (prev. year 594.2 million euros). Of this, 120.9 million euros came from Trioptics and 9.9 million euros from BG Medical and the SwissOptic Group. The order backlog increased to 543.5 million euros (31/12/2020: 299.8 million euros).


Jenoptik AG

Carl-Zeiß-Straße 1
07743 Jena

+49 3641 65 0

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