
Rewarding Quantum Effects

10.10.2023 - Award presentation ceremony is highlight on first exhibition day, five winners announced in four categories.

The Quantum Effects Award, presented in 2023 for the first time, honors outstanding innovations that combine the traditional world and the quantum world, are used in different industries, facilitate individual services and open up new prospects. Judging criteria were application prospects and potential, degree of innovation or level of invention, solution approach and feasibility, and collaboration or teaming.

An expert jury, chaired by Dr Daniel Stadler, deputy cluster manager at NanoMikro­Werkstoffe­Photonik.NRW and the quantum technologies spokesman for OptecNet Deutschland, judged the entries and chose the following companies as winners in the particular category:

Quantum Computing Hardware
Eleqtron GmbH (Germany)
The company develops quantum computers based on ion trap technology. This technology is characterized, in particular, by a high stability of the qubits. The company was founded by Jan Leisse, Prof Dr Christof Wunderlich and Dr Michael Johanning as a spin-off of Siegen University. Eleqtron is currently on the road to success and is one of Germany’s shining lights in the development and supply of quantum computers. The use of ‘MAGIC’ technology enables the company to construct its quantum computers with the aid of established technologies, which can be found in every smartphone, and to substantially speed up the availability of quantum computers for industry. The jury was impressed, in particular, by the high degree of innovation and the great application potential of the entry.

Quantum Computing Software
Q-CTRL (Australia)
Qubits are very vulnerable to external influences. However, it is very important to prevent errors in order to rely on the results received from the quantum computer. A large number of the available qubits are currently used to improve the reliability of the results. The technology from Q-CTRL helps to minimize the number of qubits needed for error correction, thereby making quantum computers more robust.

Multiverse Computing (Spain)
The team develops software solutions which produce services for companies, e.g. for optimization tasks, on modern quantum computers. Thanks to the software solution from Multiverse Computing, AI can be trained up to 1,000 times faster with the aid of quantum computing data. This represents real value-added in the area of sustainability for AI. In 2023 the company was ranked among the top 100 most valuable AI firms. It serves a large number of customers, e.g. in the financial sector, manufacturing and the energy industry. Since error correction is a key element for the development of freely programmable, error-resistant quantum computers and the use of quantum computers is just as important for more sustainable AI, the jury decided to present two Awards.

Quantum Sensing
NVision Imaging Technologies GmbH (Germany)
Cancer is one of the most common causes of death. Fast action is often necessary since the earlier the disease is detected, the higher the chances of recovery are. This also applies to medication which places high physical and mental demands on persons suffering from cancer. In this case early diagnosis of the effectiveness of the medication helps people as they undergo therapy. The team from NVision tackled this topic and uses quantum physics effects to improve diagnostics. Thanks to the technology from NVision, it will be possible to use MRI scanners in future for close and routine examinations of tumor activity. Whereas changes in the development of tumors (growth or decrease) can only be currently detected over a period of months, the technology from NVision can already observe a change within one week. Valuable time is therefore gained. Even though approval in the clinical field entails a very long development period, the jury was impressed by both the technology and the significance of the quantum technology solution for medicine.

Quantum Communication
Aliro Quantum (USA)
In the same way as computers are connected and can exchange data via the internet, quantum computers can be interconnected via the quantum internet. The quantum internet uses quantum physical properties of individual particles to link quantum computers and protect sensitive data. In order to use the quantum internet economically, there is a need for both new technology and new design approaches and implementation strategies. Aliro Quantum provides a complete solution for secure quantum communication networks for companies. The solution includes design, emulation, integration and scaling of the network.

The official award presentation ceremony was held on the first day of the Quantum Effects trade fair. The trophies were handed over by jury chair and moderator Dr Daniel Stadler, Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, Baden-Württemberg Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor and Tourism, Petra Olschowski, Baden-Württemberg Minister for Science, Research, and Art, Dr Gustav Kalbe, EU Commission, and Dr Volkmar Denner, speaker of the QuantumBW network.

Further reading: Exceeding expectations,, 13 October 2023 • All eyes on ‘quantum’,, 13 July 2023


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