
Framos adds global chief marketing and sales officer to its management team

Daniel Otto appointed Chief Revenue Officer at machine vision provider

18.02.2022 - Since the beginning of February, Daniel Otto has been Chief Revenue Officer at Framos and thus responsible for all marketing and sales tasks of the machine vision provider worldwide.

In his career, Daniel Otto has held management positions for well-known manufacturers, primarily in the areas of sales and support, including IDS, Cognex and Rockwell Automation. He thus has extensive management experience in German and American companies as well as extensive and deep market knowledge on an international level.

CEO Dr. Andreas Franz is pleased that Otto has chosen Framos: "With Daniel on board, he will lead us to work more collaboratively and strategically on our marketing, sales and technical support."

Otto explains, "I will bring my experience in marketing, sales and technical support to the FRAMOS teams to keep the company on course to becoming a global imaging solutions provider."


Framos GmbH

Mehlbeerenstraße 2
82024 Taufkirchen

+49 089 710 667 0
+49 089 710 667 66

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