PhotonicsViews issue 1/2023 is out!
11.01.2023 - Book ads and submit for 20th anniversary issue 2/2023, pitch contributions for “Laser” issue 3/2023.
Issue 1/2023 – February / March ’23 – is online and has been mailed. It includes feature articles from or with Alcon/Wavelight, Audi, Cailabs, Coherent Corp., EPIC, Evident, Femtoprint, GFH, HG Genuine, Imagine Optic, iPronics, Laser Components, Light Conversion, MKS, nLight, Picoquant, Satisloh, Toptica, and more companies and institutions. On the cover: Shenzhen JPT Opto-electronics.
Special topics: Micromachining of glass and photonics for microfluidic applications. Also on the cover: Microscopy – measure and monitor fine surface irregularities, and: Laser Optics – thin films polarize a number of new applications.
The printed copies are now on its way to your mailboxes – read all articles ‘online open’ at the – or browse the e-paper on
Submit your story for issue 2/2023 April/May – our 20th volume anniversary issue – and submit your manuscript until mid-February. Pitch your ideas now for issue 3/2021 June/July, addressing topics that are covered by Laser World of Photonics and World of Quantum, Munich, Germany.
You want the printed issue in your mailbox? Please find the form for paid or qualified subscriptions for download below: