
Guideline series VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632: Sheet 1 updated

01.03.2023 - With the new edition of Guideline VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632 Part 1 published in January 2023, the terminology described therein has been updated.

The VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632 series of guidelines aims to support users and solution providers of machine vision in the implementation of projects. Now, VDI and VDMA have published a new edition of Sheet 1 that explains basic information and terms.

"With the revision of the draft published in 2021, on the one hand the current state of the art has been taken into account, and on the other hand we have succeeded in defining fundamental terms in a more concrete and selective way. In this way, the edition of VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632 Part 1 published in January 2023 prevents expensive misunderstandings," says Dr. Heiko Frohn, Managing Director of Technology at Vitronic and member of the board of the VDMA Machine Vision Department.

Prof. Dr. Michael Heizmann from KIT, as chairman of the responsible technical committee, adds: "With this guideline, we have a new fundamental basic document on which we will build when revising the other guidelines in the series. This is an exciting task, because the use of AI in machine vision means that a whole new class of machine vision systems needs to be considered in our guidelines."

The VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632 series of guidelines in detail.

The VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632 "Machine Vision" series of guidelines provides assistance to suppliers and users of machine vision systems for joint project management. VDI/VDE/VDMA 2632 Sheet 2 has proven its worth in many cases when drawing up specifications and requirements. Sheet 3 provides important tips for the acceptance of machine vision systems and Sheet 3.1 presents methods for testing the classification performance of corresponding systems. The basis of these guidelines is the terminology defined in Sheet 1 and explained in a generally understandable way.


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