
Changes to the Basler Management Board

13.12.2024 - Ines Brückel becomes new CFO, Hardy Mehl takes over sales and marketing

Basler has appointed Ines Brückel as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective January 1, 2025. In this position, the 43-year-old will be responsible for Finance, Legal & Compliance, IT/SAP and Administration.

CEO Dr. Dietmar Ley will be responsible for research and development, product business, human resources and organizational development.

Deputy CEO Hardy Mehl, currently CFO/COO, will assume responsibility for sales and marketing, communications and the digital customer journey as of January 1, 2025, and will continue to oversee operations and investor relations.

Ines Brückel previously worked for the auditing firm KPMG and held leading positions in the finance departments of large technology companies. She holds a degree in business administration with a focus on finance, investments and marketing, and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Norbert Basler, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, states: "We are very pleased that Ms. Brückel has accepted the position on the Management Board and look forward to working with her. We are excited about the fresh ideas she will bring to the company based on her many years of experience.”


Basler AG

An der Strusbek 60-62
22926 Ahrensburg

+49 4102 463 500
+49 4102 463 109

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