
Attracting skilled workers to the photonics industry

03.02.2023 - New cooperation agreement between Spectaris and OptecNet Germany sealed.

Photonics in the German Industry Association Spectaris and the umbrella organization of innovation networks for optical technologies OptecNet Deutschland are intensifying their cooperation as part of their joint alliance Photonics Germany – Photonik Deutschland is expanding it further. Both partners have concluded a new cooperation agreement that focuses more strongly on recruiting skilled workers and securing young talent as a challenge for the industry.

In the process, it was decided that Spectaris and OptecNet Deutschland will develop joint measures and platforms to support the photonics industry in Germany in attracting skilled workers. “The shortage of skilled workers is visibly worsening despite political measures. On the one hand, we need immigration of skilled workers, but we also need to make better use of existing potential skilled workers in Germany,” emphasizes Dr Bernhard Ohnesorge, chairman of photonics at Spectaris.

Dr Andreas Ehrhardt, spokesman for OptecNet Deutschland, adds: “Last year, Spectaris and OptecNet Deutschland drew up a position paper on photonics in Germany under the umbrella of Photonics Germany, combined with a call for new photonics funding, and presented it to the Federal Ministry of Research. With the new cooperation agreement, we not only want to consolidate the successful cooperation, but in particular address the continuing need for skilled workers in the high-tech sector of photonics and quantum technologies and launch corresponding activities and measures.”

Close cooperation between Spectaris and OptecNet Deutschland has already existed since 2020 under the new joint umbrella brand Photonics Germany. The goal is a joint appearance of the German photonics industry on a national and international level. The importance of the photonics industry will be made even more visible through joint actions in economic and research policy. PhotonicsViews is the alliance’s official publishing medium since April 2021.


SPECTARIS – German Industry Association for Optics, Photonics, Analytical and Medical Technologies

Werderscher Markt 15
10117 Berlin

+49 30 4140 21 0
+49 30 4140 21 33

OptecNet Deutschland e.V.

Garbsener Landstraße 10
30419 Hannover

+49 511 23578-16


c/o SPECTARIS e.V., Werderscher Markt 15
10117 Berlin

+49 30 414021-0

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