

Metasurfaces for a better holographic projection

05.08.2024 -

K-space translation strategy lets metasurfaces project multiple images without crosstalk.


SLT’s premiere at downtown Stuttgart

05.08.2024 -

Review Stuttgart Laser Technology Forum, 4 – 6 June 2024, Stuttgart, Germany


Unifying microscopy and spectral analysis workflows

02.08.2024 -

New end-to-end software solution Wiley Surface-to-Spectral Analysis released.


Ultrastrong aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing

02.08.2024 -

Proper introduction of nanoscale medium entropy intermetallics for the design of ultrastrong, deformable alloys.


Former Mercedes top executive joins Scantinel

01.08.2024 -

Frank Lindenberg, experienced manager from the automotive industry with close investor contacts becomes chairman of the advisory board.


The first chip-based 3D printer

31.07.2024 -

Smaller than a coin, this optical device could enable rapid prototyping on the go.


ERC funding for novel spectral filters

30.07.2024 -

Malte Gather receives 150,000 euros over 18 months to explore the commercial or societal potential of the research project.


3D-Micromac systems for Infineon

29.07.2024 -

Laser micromachining expert exclusively supplies new Dresden Smart Power Fab with the microVEGA FC laser-trimming system.

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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Top Feature

Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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