
Fast lidar system with submillimeter localization accuracy

13.04.2022 -

A new generation of lidar-based 3D cameras could be fast enough to enable integration of 3D vision into all sorts of products.


Measuring the smallest magnetic fields with diamond and laser

11.04.2022 -

Fraunhofer IAF develops quantum magnetometers based on diamond. They are able to detect magnetic fields with a spatial resolution of a few nanometers down to single...


Single-photon source for practical quantum encryption

11.04.2022 -

The new source is an important step toward highly secure communication based on quantum key distribution.


Nicoletta Casanova joins EPIC Board of Directors

08.04.2022 -

During the annual general meeting 2022 celebrated in Vilnius, Lithuania, the European Photonics Industry Consortium announced its new board member: Nicoletta Casanova...


Tiny microlaser emits two circular beams

08.04.2022 -

A new precisely tunable laser can be used in many fields of physics, chemistry, medicine and communication.


EPIC Award goes to Reinhard Völkel

08.04.2022 -

The European Photonics Industry Consortium has announced that Reinhard Voelkel, CEO of Suss MicroOptics, is the winner of the EPIC CEO Award 2022.


Optronis: world’s first streak camera with semiconductor sensor

07.04.2022 -

With the world’s first commercially available semiconductor-based streak camera, Optronis offers research a new instrument to enable detailed scientific investigations in...


Prima Additive is born

06.04.2022 -

Prima Industrie completed the spin-off operation of the business unit dedicated to additive manufacturing.

Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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inspect award 2024

The voting for the inspect award 2024 is open.

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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inspect award 2024

The voting for the inspect award 2024 is open.

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