Keyword: photonics


Bernhard Ohnesorge is the new Spectaris chairman

18.09.2023 -

Mirjam Rösch becomes his deputy, Amily Guo now heads the Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein regional group.


Photonic memory for faster optical computing

15.09.2023 -

A nanosecond-scale volatile modulation scheme integrating a phase-change material.


Second photonics industry summit in Washington, DC

15.09.2023 -

The day-long SPIE event focuses on optics and photonics as a key enabler of emerging technologies.


Delivering new computing paradigm using photonics

24.08.2023 -

Optical interconnect for composable data center architectures, unlocking infrastructure scalability


CrayoNano and AquiSense sign commercial frame contract

10.08.2023 -

The contract contains sales of UV-C LED components valued at about 4 million NOK over the next 12 months.


Chip-based dispersion compensation for faster fiber internet

31.07.2023 -

New grating devices significantly reduce data transmission errors.


100 million euros for Smart Photonics

14.07.2023 -

The Dutch foundry for PICs has secured an additional round of funding from a group of strategic industrial and financial players.


New high-heat resin for fiber optics and more

11.07.2023 -

Chemical company Sabic has expanded its product portfolio.

Top Feature

Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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Top Feature

Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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