Keyword: lasers


Linking dark and bright light pulses

31.01.2022 -

The combination of solitons increases the color range of the emitted light from the microresonators.


A&B KMG takes over European sales of Polyrix 3D scanners

12.01.2022 -

A&B KMG Service, a specialist in coordinate measuring technology, has taken over the distribution of Polyscan Surround 3D scanners from the Canadian manufacturer Polyrix...


A quantum view of combs of light

10.01.2022 -

Microcombs have the potential to enhance GPS systems, telecommunications, autonomous vehicles, greenhouse gas tracking, spacecraft autonomy and ultra-precise timekeeping.


Transforming materials with light

05.01.2022 -

New process uses lasers to dramatically sculpt the properties of materials without the production of any excess damaging heat. 


Mathematics meets semiconductor technology

04.01.2022 -

The Leibniz Association will fund the joint project UV Lasers – From Modeling and Simulation to Technology (UVSimTech) for three years with nearly 1 million euros within...


Cascading femtosecond lasers into the mid-infrared

29.12.2021 -

The first demonstration of direct femtosecond-​pulse emission from a quantum cascade laser in the mid-​infrared region paves the path towards novel applications of...


50th laser anniversary for Trumpf

23.12.2021 -

The idea of using light as a tool was still in its infancy when the Schramberg engineers used laser systems to spot-weld watch springs.


IO-Link laser button in M12


The new PT120520 laser button with IO-Link interface from ipf electronic achieves scanning ranges of up to 4000mm in M12 despite its compact design. Since the PT120520...

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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Fokus Nachhaltigkeit

Lesen Sie Fachbeiträge, News und Interviews zum Thema

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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