Tool to Screen for Swine Flu
Coherix has developed a product that will help federal officials, hospitals, schools, airports and businesses screen for potential cases of swine flu. Coherix‘s ThermalSentry can detect elevated temperature levels in individuals passing by at border crossings, airports, and also can be used at sporting events, hospitals, factories and similar locations. The system is fast and accurate to one quarter of a degree. Originally developed during the SARS pandemic several years ago, it is a high-accuracy, non-contact, body temperature monitoring system targeted at real-time detection of influenza victims including swine flu. It remotely measures the skin temperature of subjects at a distance of 5 to 10 m. All persons in the field of view are monitored simultaneously so there is no need for people to line up in order to have their temperature recorded. The tool consists of a special purpose, high-tech camera connected to a computer.