Leica Microsystems Wins Prodex Award
The company has won a Prodex Award 2008 for the development of Fusion Optics. The innovative approach in optics has helped stereomicroscopy to hitherto unknown resolution and field depth and was used for the first time in 2007 in the Leica M205 C. The jury of the Swiss industry award found the simple yet ingenious concept of Fusion Optics so convincing that it gave it second prize.The award was presented for the first time in Basel at the Prodex international fair for machine tools, tools, and production measurement on 20th November 2008. It was organized by the exhibition company Exhibit & More and Vogel Business Media with its trade journals SMM Schweizer Maschinenmarkt and MSM Le Mensuel de l’industrie. Over 30 of the 325 exhibitors had entered a product or service, ten of which had been nominated for the final round to choose the top three prizewinners.