Edge Computer for Demanding Image Processing
It combines an Nvidia Jetson-Xavier NX System-on-Module (SOM) with Gidel’s frame grabber technology for real-time capture and processing of large amounts of image data.
With two 10 GigE and two Camera Link 80-bit (DECA) ports each, Fantovision 20 has high-bandwidth camera interfaces, making it suitable for high-resolution, high-frame-rate applications and multi-camera systems.
The ultra-compact computer combines a Jetson-Xavier-NX-SOM for image processing and AI algorithms with an Intel Arria 10 FPGA with Gidel’s powerful image capture, processing and compression.
Gidel Ltd.
2 Ha’ilan St. Northern Industrial Zone, P.O.Box 281
30600 Or Akiva
+972 4 610 2500
+972 4 610 2501