
6th European Machine Vision Forum takes place in Wageningen

15.09.2023 - The sixth European Machine Vision Forum organized by EMVA will take place on October 12th and 13th. The on-site host is Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands.

This year's focal topic is ‘Real-world machine vision challenges - coping with variability and uncontrolled environments’. The organizational director of the forum, Professor Michael Heizmann, explains the background: ‘The European Machine Vision Forum offers a very special platform for exchange between representatives of industry and research. Under this year's focal topic, practical challenges in the implementation of machine vision solutions will be addressed. These include, among others, possible disturbances during image acquisition as well as variabilities in the inspection task or in the sensor technology. The speeches and poster papers will present possible solutions to these challenges.’

Three keynote lectures will also address the focus topic. Prof. Christophe Cudel from the Université Haute-Alsace in Mulhouse (France) will report on the use of light field cameras in visual navigation. The talk by Prof. Alfred M. Bruckstein of Technion in Haifa (Israel) will focus on the transfer of human perceptual patterns when viewing moving images to image processing systems. Last but not lease, Dr. Albert J. P. Theuwissen of Harvest Imaging in Bree (Belgium) will discuss opportunities for integrating computational units into modern CMOS image sensors.

As a special program highlight, the section ‘Agro Food Robotics’ of Wageningen University & Research invites to a campus tour, where current research projects and applications, not limited to agricultural technology, can be experienced directly. Inspiring pitches and demos by PureSpectra and OnePlanet, amongst others, give examples of the Dutch machine vision ecosystem.

For more information on the forum click here. Registration for the forum is also possible there. Also, sponsorship of the event is still possible at the moment for interested companies.


EMVA European Machine Vision Association

Gran Via de Carles III, 84 (3rd floor)
08028 Barcelona

+34 93 220 7201
+34 93 220 7201

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