Machine Vision

How Would You Scan a Can?

System to Inspect Cans Including Proofreading

17.11.2011 -

Until recently, the conventional method of prepping cylindrical packaging so that its artwork could be automatically proofread, involved cutting the containers open (cans, tubes etc.) and laying them on a flatbed scanner. How else would you scan a can and get a flat image that could be compared to the original approved artwork? The process was crude, cumbersome, had a tendency to render poor results, and in the end, resulted in the destruction of the sample to be read. Consequently, it was easier to manually proofread artwork and text on cans.

Simplifying the scanning of cylindrical containers was merely one more challenge to be overcome by Global Vision Inc. Already known for its innovative, in-house development teams, Global Vision is an established world-leader in the field of automated proofreading technology. So it was natural that the marketplace would turn to this company to come up with a viable solution.

Procter & Gamble calls for new packaging inspection technology

The initial query "how to improve the proofreading process for cylindrical packaging?" came from Global Vision's large consumer goods clients, such as Procter & Gamble. These companies needed an easy and reliable solution to quickly inspect their thousands of SKUs of diverse products, such as baby formula, shampoo and coffee, all sold in cans, bottles or tubes.

However, how does one take a 3D object, flatten it out and compensate for distortion so that the image looks like it came from a flat object? Mechanically flattening an object inherently causes distortion. Text and graphics that are on round surfaces will often not scan clearly. Global Vision needed to develop special algorithms to compensate for such distortion so as to render an accurate comparison between the original approved artwork and the scanned image.
The solution that Global Vision came up with is an offline scanning system appropriately called Scan360. This unique rotary scanner allows you to scan the outside circumference of any round object and load the image directly into ScanTVS, a proven and widely used automated proofreading system. The days of cutting cans in half to scan and inspect them are now officially over.

Why use the Scan360, rotary scanner?

Since the Scan360 rotary scanner uploads images directly into the well established ScanTVS software, its users benefit from the same advantages employed within the ScanTVS system, which uses high quality, flatbed scanners. The entire scanning time takes seconds, and yields high quality scans that can be optimized at either 300 or 600 dpi. This allows you to quickly compare an approved artwork file to a scanned image and identify all differences. Print defects such as broken text, missing elements and color disparities are all detected automatically.

In addition, the precision of the Scan360 proofreading system enables you to swiftly identify poorly made counterfeits. Counterfeit bottles and cylindrical objects often have slight design differences like color variations or graphics that do not match up with the original artwork. With Scan360, these differences are picked up immediately, thus ensuring total product packaging security.
With the Scan360, manufacturers of goods sold in cylindrical packaging no longer need to destroy their samples or proofread them manually. The results are significant cost savings and, most importantly, increased quality control.

80%-90% time savings with automated proofreading system!

Studies have shown that manual proofreading is labour intensive and unreliable. Humans get tired, make mistakes and produce inconsistent results. This is especially true if you are required to manually proofread multiple languages that include unfamiliar characters. The advantages of a computerized proofreading system are that it never gets tired, produces consistent results and does so in seconds. This would take humans hours, even days to accomplish. Typical time savings, for companies that have switched from manual proofreading to automated approaches, are in the range of 80%-90%.

"Completely automating our proofreading process has allowed for quicker verifications, better error detections and a happier QC staff," states Maria Serra, QA Manager for Catalent, Puerto-Rico.

Global Vision provides quality automated proofreading solutions

Having led the migration from manual proofreading to automation, Global Vision was uniquely qualified to develop the technology necessary to automatically proofread artwork on cans, tubes and all other cylindrical objects. The company has an unmatched reputation for vision and knowledge. It offers a complete spectrum of proofreading solutions: from spellchecking PDF files, comparing text in different layouts, examining graphics and printed components to authenticating Braille and barcodes.

This full suite of products meets all proofreading needs throughout the packaging workflow process including upfront design, packaging development, label control, incoming QC and production. As a result, Global Vision's solutions are deployed in the entire packaging workflow to provide end-to-end security.

Global Vision is ISO 9001:2008 certified and makes products that help respect EMA annex 11 / 21 CFR part 11 compliance, and offers validation documentation /execution for all its solutions. In addition, the company offers global support and tailored training through its headquarters in North America, regional offices in Europe and worldwide network of distributors.
If you are interested in receiving more information on Scan360 or any other Global Vision products, please contact Global Vision by emailing or calling +1-514-624-422. Seeing Global Vision solutions in action has never been easier. Just ask for a demonstration via Webex.

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