INSPECT 03-2010


Battling Windmills?
High-performance Platform for Computation-intensive Machine Vision Applications
Raoul Kimmelmann


Vision(s) of the Future
Gabriele Jansen


Looking Machines
Automatica from June, 8 until June, 11, 2010, in Munich, Germany

Big in Japan
ISS 2010: Image Sensing Show in Yokohama, Japan

10th Optatec in Frankfurt, Germany
International Trade Fair for Optical Technologies Components and Systems

Event Calendar




"I Have a Dream"
Automation Technology Opens up Bin Picking Solutions
Holger Hofmann

Reader's Corner
Market Report on 3D-Metrology for German Automotive and Supplier Industries

EMVA 2010: European Machine Vision Adventure
International Machine Vision on a Journey across Europe

Contour Tracking
Image Processing Basics: Contour-based Pattern Matching
Prof. Dr. Christoph Heckenkamp

Interview with Dr. Norbert Stein, Managing Director and Sole Shareholder of Vitronic


Million-seller on the Advance into Machine Vision
USB 3.0: Promising in Market Penetration and Convincing in Technical Merits
Michael Gibbons

Baptism by Fire for Vision System
Vision System Automates Fire Extinguisher Container Production
Claude Kuhnen

Avatar Out of Bavaria?
3D Tools and Movie2 Are Two of the New CVB 10.2 Features

Powerful Combination
Line Scan Cameras with CMOS Sensors: Reduced System Noise and High Read-out Rates
Tim Miller


Tight Integration of Robotics and Vision
Market Changes Require Flexible Manufacturing
Ignazio Piacentini

Exact Seams
Contour Curve Detection for Robot Path Correction
Dr. Werner Neddermeyer, Ralf König

Safety on the Roads
Tyre Tread Depth Measurement in Moving Traffic
Dr. Michael Bach

Clearing the Box Smartly
Bin Picking: The Masterpiece of Robot Automation
Alexander Hollinger

The Sun's Power
Product Overview: Equipment for Photovoltaic's Production


Towards the Sun
Active Thermography Improves Quality of Solar Cells
Tobias Kröger

Elevated Temperature
Automated Infrared Thermography for Industrial Processes

Not visible?
Product Overview: Thermography and Infrared


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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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