
A three-day industry exhibition with conference and a physics job fair

15.06.2021 - Review: WIN>DAYS, 7. – 9. Juni 2021, online

The trade journal group of Wiley Verlag, including PhotonicsViews, inspect, messtec drives automation, GIT Sicherheit, GIT Security and Management & Krankenhaus as well as Ernst & Sohn have organized the second virtual ‘Wiley Industry Days’, or WIN>DAYS for short, with renowned companies and institutions. Exhibitors from the fields of security, safety, civil engineering and architecture, automation, machine vision, photonics, hygiene and healthcare presented themselves in the virtual halls of the WIN>DAYS exhibition center. Visitors could view products and solutions presentations and learn about the latest trends in their industries. WIN>DAYS hosted a conference program taking place in parallel in five digital auditoriums.

Just like the first instance in November 2020, the exhibition center at was set up like a physical trade fair. The lobby had all the information visitors need to orient themselves.

Visitors could post chat requests to each other throughout the exhibition center. Each participant had an overview of who was on the grounds, in the various rooms, or at the stands at all times. Visitors could see a list of stand personnel and can contact exhibitors via video chat, text chat, or email. They could switch to a private room for video chat if they require.

Conference Program

The focus of the event was the exhibition and networking – accompanied by an extensive conference program. Panel discussions with high-profile guests and selected keynote speakers provide information on the latest developments from industry and research. In addition, exhibitors invite visitors to give presentations. The digital conference program could be viewed via the auditoriums – interested parties were able to click directly into the lectures.

The exhibition halls, and also Hall B – automation, machine vision, and photonics – sported high-ranking companies, research institutions, and industry associations. Among the many live contributions, the following photonics-related presentations can be watched on-demand after a free registration (in alphabetical order):

Comsol Multiphysics GmbH, Dr. Thorsten Koch (CEO): “Trends in der Optik- & Photonik-Modellierung“ (click to watch presentation)

Comsol Multiphysics GmbH, Dr. Andreas Bick (Applications Engineer): “Reale optische Systeme simulieren” (click to watch presentation)

EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium, Tracey Vanik (Head of Photonics Market Research: “Photonic Industrial Applications” (click to watch presentation)

Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Christian Knaak (Research Associate): “Opportunities and challenges – digitalization and machine learning in laser-based manufacturing” (click to watch presentation)

Hamamatsu Photonics, Florian Friedl (Group Leader Automotive): “Advanced Photosensors for LiDAR” (click to watch presentation)

Laservision, Hans Christan Meedt (Regional Sales Manager): “LIGHT at the end of the tunnel! laservision #protectingpeople” (click to watch presentation)

SPECTARIS, Dr. Wenko Süptitz (Head of Photonics Division): “PHOTONICS GERMANY – The alliance of the photonics associations SPECTARIS and OptecNet Deutschland” (click to watch presentation)

The DPG – Wiley Job Fair

The following companies presented career opportunities in their companies during this years’ WIN>DAYS:

Horn & Company, Dr. Christoph Hartl: “MINT-Talente gesucht - Ihr Einstieg beim Hidden Champion” (click to watch presentation)

Senacor, Jonas Hoppmann: “Lernen Sie die führende IT-Beratung im Bereich Financial Services kennen” (click to watch presentation)

ZEISS, Dr. Jasmin Biehler, Dr. Christopher Hinz, Fabian Sibbers: “Hochgenaue Optiken für die Halbleiterindustrie – Design, Prozess- und Metrologieentwicklung” (click to watch presentation)


Wiley Industry Days

Boschstraße 12
69469 Weinheim

+(49) 6201 606-748

Wiley-VCH GmbH

Boschstraße 12
69469 Weinheim

Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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