
New Chairman of VDMA Measuring and Testing Technology

04.08.2023 - The board of the association has elected Dr Marcus Korthäuer, managing director of Espera-Werke in Duisburg.

Marcus Korthäuer succeeds Dieter Menne, who retired from active professional life at Mettler Toledo in the middle of the year and thus also relinquishes the chairmanship of the trade association.

Korthäuer has been a member of the board of the Measuring and Testing Technology Association within the VDMA since 2016 and also chairs the advisory board of scale manufacturers. In addition to his expertise as managing partner of a medium-sized, internationally active manufacturer of price and weight labeling systems, he brings extensive experience from honorary activities in business and employer associations as well as in the European scale association CECIP to the board's work.

He is particularly concerned with strengthening the competitiveness of German industrial companies in international comparison and reducing the burdens of bureaucracy in Germany and Europe.

In addition to the optimization of processes, the digital networking of measurement and testing components, machines and systems in production is for him both a challenge and an opportunity for manufacturers and customers.

“A big thank you goes to Dieter Menne, who has led the Measurement and Testing Technology Association since its founding in 2012 and successfully managed the merger of three formerly independent industry associations into one organization,” Korthäuer said.


VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer e.V.

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt

+49 69 6603 0
+49 69 6603 1511

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