
New board takes up work

26.11.2024 - The VDMA has elected a new board for the VDMA Machine Vision division. Dr. Olaf Munkelt succeeds Mark Williamson.

At the general meeting of the VDMA Robotics + Automation Association, the members of the VDMA Machine Vision department elected a new board. Dr. Olaf Munkelt, managing director of MVTec Software GmbH, was then appointed chairman by the newly elected VDMA Machine Vision board.
Dr. Munkelt succeeds Mark Williamson, former managing director of Stemmer Imaging in Tongham, Surrey, UK, whose term of office has ended. Mark Williamson was honored for his contributions and commitment to the European machine vision industry.

"Like many other industries, the European machine vision industry is currently facing many challenges: a weak economy across Europe, geopolitical tensions, uncertainties in many customer industries, weak demand and increasing competition. Despite all these challenges, there is a great deal of interest in machine vision worldwide and I certainly see many opportunities for the European machine vision industry. It is one of the key technologies for securing the competitiveness of the European manufacturing industry and plays an important role in the trend towards digitalization,” said Olaf Munkelt after his election.

For the period 2024 - 2027, the following company representatives will steer and lead the topics and projects of the VDMA Machine Vision department:

Board of Directors VDMA Machine Vision (2024 -2027)

Dr. Horst Heinol-Heikkinen
Founder and Managing Director, Asentics GmbH & Co. KG, Siegen

Markus Maurer
Head of Automation Division, Vitronic Machine Vision GmbH, Wiesbaden

Hardy Mehl
CFO and COO, Basler AG, Ahrensburg

Dr. Olaf Munkelt
Co-Founder and Managing Director, MVTec Software GmbH, Munich

Daniel Seiler
CEO, AT-Automation Technology GmbH, Bad Oldesloe

Holger Wirth
Vice President R&D, Machine Vision Solutions Division of Atlas Copco,
ISRA VISION GmbH, Darmstadt

VDMA Machine Vision on the board of VDMA Robotics + Automation
Dr. Dietmar Ley, CEO of Basler AG, was elected chairman of the board of the professional association at the general meeting of VDMA Robotics + Automation.

Furthermore, Dr. Olaf Munkelt, Dr. Horst Heinol-Heikkinen, and Markus Maurer will represent the Machine Vision department in the board of the VDMA Robotics + Automation.


VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer e.V.

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