
LASYS discontinued – SLT with new location in 2024

07.09.2023 - The Messe Stuttgart offer spectrum for laser material processing will be transferred at to other events, the SLT congress changes venue.

Since the premiere of Lasys in 2008, the laser industry has continued to develop strongly. Topics such as digitalization, automation and AI-supported production processes have also become more important. This has led to new application areas for lasers. In order to take account of the wide range of potential applications, Messe Stuttgart has decided to use and purposefully strengthen the topic of laser material processing in an industrial environment at its own established events. This means that Lasys will no longer be staged as a stand-alone trade fair.

“Lasers, optics and photonics are still extremely important for Messe Stuttgart. We want to use our networks and transform our contacts to provide a platform for the thematic fields that take into account the goals of our exhibitors. We are planning special areas and technical programme content at our trade fairs and exhibitions – for example at Quantum Effects, Nortec, AMB, Vision, TecStyle Visions, Wetec and Moulding Expo,” said Sebastian Schmid, vice president of Messe Stuttgart.

Stuttgart Laser Technology Forum (SLT) – held on the first two days of Lasys in the adjacent Messe Stuttgart congress center – is being continued in a new format for SLT 2024. The traditional invited talks will be supplemented by contributed presentations, a call for papers will follow, as well as the announcement for a new location within the Stuttgart area. Once again, selected conference contributions will form a special section on laser systems and laser materials processing in the June / July issue of PhotonicsViews.


Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

Messepiazza 1
70629 Stuttgart

+49 711 18560-2541
+49 711 18560-2657

University of Stuttgart – Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW)

Pfaffenwaldring 43
70569 Stuttgart

+49 711 685-66841
+49 711 685-66842

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