
inspect award 2022: Submit Your Product Now!

Machine Vision Innovation Award

06.05.2022 - The application phase for the inspect award 2022 has begun. All machine vision and optical metrology companies are invited to submit their products by May 13. This year, the six winners of the two categories will receive a trophy in a completely new design.

At, machine vision and optical metrology companies can submit their most innovative products free of charge to apply for the prestigious inspect award 2022. A jury of five experts will select the ten most innovative products in each of the categories "Vision" and "Automation + Control" from all the applications. The readers of inspect and all visitors of are then called upon to vote for the winners.

The total of six winners in the "Vision" and "Automation + Control" categories will then be awarded at the Vision trade fair in Stuttgart at the beginning of October.

20 Nominated Products are Presented in Detail in the June Issue

In the June issue of inspect (to be published on June 13) and on, the nominated products will be presented to the public in a prominent position. In the November issue, all winning products will be honored in detail. In addition, all winning companies will receive the right to use the coveted inspect award winner logo free of charge. So, it pays to take part.

The expert jury of the inspect award 2022


EMVA European Machine Vision Association

Gran Via de Carles III, 84 (3rd floor)
08028 Barcelona

+34 93 220 7201
+34 93 220 7201

Fraunhofer Geschäftsbereich Vision

Flugplatzstraße 75
90768 Fürth

+49 911 580 615 800
+49 911 580 615 899

SpectroNet International Collaboration Cluster

Hans-Knöll-Straße 6
07745 Jena

+49 3641 6343 6015
+49 3641 675 111

VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer e.V.

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt

+49 69 6603 0
+49 69 6603 1511


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