
Forcing photons to never bounce back

A topology-based method forces microwave photons to travel along a one way path

27.10.2021 - New discovery based on topological insulators paves the way to a new generation of high-frequency circuits and extremely robust, compact communication devices.

Topological insulators are materials whose structure forces photons and electrons to move only along the material’s boundary and only in one direction. These particles experience very little resis­tance and travel freely past obstacles such as impurities, fabrication defects, a change of signal’s trajectory within a circuit, or objects placed intentionally in the particles’ path. That’s because these particles, instead of being reflected by the obstacle, go around it “like river-water flowing past a rock,” says Romain Fleury, head of EPFL’s Laboratory of Wave Engi­neering.

Until now, these particles’ excep­tional resilience to obstacles applied only to limited pertur­bations in the material, meaning this property couldn’t be exploited widely in photonics-based appli­cations. However, that could soon change thanks to research being conducted by Romain Fleury along with his PhD student Zhe Zhang and Pierre Delplace from the ENS Lyon Physics Labora­tory. Their study intro­duces a topological insulator in which the trans­mission of microwave photons can survive unpre­cedented levels of disorder. “We were able to create a rare topological phase that can be charac­terized as an anomalous topo­logical insulator. This phase arises from the mathe­matical properties of unitary groups and gives the material unique – and unexpected – trans­mission properties,” says Zhang.

This discovery holds great promise for new advances in science and techno­logy. “When engineers design hyper­frequency circuits, they have to be very careful to make sure that waves are not reflected but rather guided along a given path and through a series of components. That’s the first thing I teach my electrical engi­neering students,” Fleury says. “This intrinsic constraint, known as impedance matching, limits our ability to mani­pulate wave signals. However, with our discovery, we can take a completely different approach, by using topo­logy to build circuits and devices without having to worry about impedance matching – a factor that currently restricts the scope of modern techno­logy.”

Fleury’s lab is now working on concrete applications for their new topo­logical insulator. “These types of topo­logical circuits could be extremely useful for developing next-generation communi­cation systems,” he says. “Such systems require circuits that are highly reliable and easily recon­figurable.” His research group is also looking at how the disco­very could be used for developing new kinds of photonic processors and quantum computers. (Source: EPFL)

Reference: Z. Zhang et al.: Superior robustness of anomalous non-reciprocal topological edge states, Nature 598, 293 (2021); DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03868-7

Link: Laboratory of Wave Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

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