AMS Technologies takes over Neolase
11.01.2024 - Acquisition to broaden the existing customized photonic solutions portfolio.
AMS Technologies, a provider of photonics and thermal solutions, has bought Neolase, a manufacturer of high brilliance, diode pumped, solid-state lasers. The strategic partnership expands AMS Technologies’ engineering expertise and customization capabilities for DPSS lasers, electronics and cooling solutions, enabling to offer all-in-one photonic system solutions.
The acquisition of Neolase significantly amplifies AMS Technologies' capabilities to engineer and deliver photonic solutions, allowing tailoring high-power laser systems that are not available on the market. The laser systems are meticulously built to exact customer specifications, offering selectable pulse duration, repetition rate and output power while ensuring excellent beam quality.
“At AMS Technologies, we are more than just laser providers, we are ‘photon jugglers’ dedicated to crafting precision solutions tailored to each customer’s specific needs,” says Jan Meise, CEO at AMS Technologies. “Whenever your laser runs out of steam, Neolase holds a high degree of qualification and competence to enhance it. The modular concept of amplifier kits allows accomplishing a variety of different laser parameters and therefore addressing a lot of different industrial, medical, and scientific applications.”
AMS Technologies has a broad knowledge in lasers, with a dedicated design center for pulsed DPSS lasers, complemented by an extensive portfolio through manufacturing partners from the distribution business. Neolase, located in Hanover’s photonics cluster, has a long-term expertise in DPSS laser amplification for a lot of different seeders and offers MOPA systems from nano to femtosecond pulse duration. Neolase’s solid-state lasers are designed for 1064 / 1030 / 1940, and 2050 nanometer applications along with higher harmonics, and feature compactness and rugged system designs.
Maik Frede, the founder and managing director of Neolase, joins CEO Jan Meise and Philipp Weber, CFO and COO of AMS Technologies, as vice president of engineering, reflects on the importance of this acquisition: “Our mission is to extend beyond just providing products. We aim to develop lasting partnerships and establish ourselves as the primary source for specialized, customizable photonic solutions from a dedicated, singular provider.”
Further reading: Konrad Laufs (AMS Technologies): Chillers get quieter, greener, and smaller – Miniature compressors enable compact, low-noise integrated cooling solutions without hydrofluorocarbons, PhotonicsViews 19(6), December 2022 / January 2023, pp. 80–83; DOI: 10.1002/phvs.202200047 • Anton Pauli (GFH), Maik Frede (Neolase): Automatic Selection of Picosecond or Femtosecond Lasers – Intelligent laser machining: USP lasers as the key technology for small to midsize manufacturing companies, PhotonicsViews 17(1), February / March 2020, pp. 58–60, DOI: 10.1002/phvs.202000010
neoLASE GmbH
Hollerithallee 17
30419 Hannover
+49 511 515160-0
+49 511 515160-11