16th EMVA Business Conference
7 – 9 June 2018 / Dubrovnik, Croatia
Every year the EMVA brings together business leaders and technical experts within the machine vision industry from Europe and around the world with a well-balanced mixture of high-level speeches and networking opportunities. The 16th EMVA Business Conference will offer an interesting program and outstanding network opportunities again.
The conference covers the different business segments Management, Technology, Innovation, Markets and Marketing and it offers outstanding networking opportunities. EMVA goes the step further by providing the necessary organisation and infrastructure for pre-scheduled bilateral meetings matching the individual attendee’s needs!
The specific event website provides easy and comfortable access to registration, conference speakers, attendees and meeting organisation.
The 2018 conference speakers again offer a highly attractive mix of technical, market, management and economy experience and skills. Introductions are published in the monthly EMVA email newsletter and some special newsletter editions in 2018.
EMVA European Machine Vision Association
Gran Via de Carles III, 84 (3rd floor)
08028 Barcelona
+34 93 220 7201
+34 93 220 7201