Optik / Photonik

Opto Engineering

Opto Engineering is one of the only companies in the world that can design, manufacture, sell, and offer assistance for advanced products and technologies in the field of machine vision.

We are known for our many optical innovations, solving once-impossible machine vision applications, and establishing as one of the world leaders in telecentric technology and 360° view special lenses.

Today our product range encompasses all the components needed to build a machine vision system: Optics, Area Scan Cameras, Software, and Lighting.


Opto Engineering is one of the only companies in the world that can design, manufacture, sell, and offer assistance for advanced products and technologies in the field of machine vision.

Products from this company


Industrial Cameras Made in Italy

Opto Engineering -

13.09.2022 – Opto Engineering introduces Itala: the industrial GigE Vision POE cameras designed and manufactured in Italy.

News from this company

Machine Vision

The Importance of Strobe Lighting Operation and LED Strobe Controllers for Machine Vision

29.08.2019 -

Lighting is one of the most critical elements of a machine vision system and is key to achieve stable and repeatable results. Incorrect illumination and non-constant...

Opto Engineering celebrates 15th birthday

06.11.2017 - Opto Engineering has been in business for 15 years and has taken the opportunity to present in Mantua the latest innovations in machine vision components, bringing together the...


Self-learning Vision System

28.03.2017 - Vision inspection machines play an increasingly important role in many industrial manufacturing processes thanks to their unique characteristic of both raising quality and cutting...

Opto Engineering and Matrix Vision Announce a Strategic Partnership

03.02.2017 - Both companies are leaders in their respective industries and their expertise is perfectly complementary. Opto Engineering excels in the high-end optics field and holds several...

Opto Engineering USA has a new General Manager

17.11.2016 - Opto Engineering USA announces that the Opto Engineering's Board of Directors has appointed Luca Palleschi as General Manager of Opto Engineering USA, effective October 1, 2016. In...

Inspection, optical measurement and illumination solutions for the automotive parts manufacturing industry

03.12.2014 - During Vision, Wiley introduced the inspect application forum, where specialists out of the industrial vision sector talked about special topics. The PDF we provide here was part...

Innovative solutions for pharmaceutical/biomedical industry

03.12.2014 - During Vision, Wiley introduced the inspect application forum, where specialists out of the industrial vision sector talked about special topics. The PDF we provide here was part...


Opto Engineering

St. Circonvallazione Sud, 15
46100 Mantova, Italy

+39 0376 699 111
+39 0376 158 12 42

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Lesen Sie Fachbeiträge, News und Interviews zum Thema

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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