Optik / Photonik

Evident Europe GmbH

News from this company


eBook 20: Exploring Advanced Battery Technologies

22.03.2024 -

The latest eBook (free PDF download) in the Advanced Optical Metrology series is about advances in battery research


E-Book: The Power of Geoarchaeology in Understanding Our World

01.02.2024 -

Advanced Optical Metrology, with the support of Evident, has now presented an e-book on the subject of geoarchaeology.


The new Evident e-book has been published

18.10.2023 -

This time it's about the development of lithium-ion batteries and their impact on the renewable energy boom.


Evident presents new e-book

30.08.2023 -

Evident has launched a new e-book in collaboration with us: This time the topic is characterization techniques for materials in volume


Download the e-book "Optimizing Interface Conductivity in Electronics" for free

06.07.2023 -

Download the e-book "Optimizing Interface Conductivity in Electronics: LSM Characterization of Surface Properties" now for free.

Machine Vision

inspect award 2023: Vote now and choose the best innovations

21.06.2023 -

The jury of the inspect award 2023 has nominated ten products each in the categories "Vision" and "Automation + Control". Now it's the readers' turn to vote.

Machine Vision

AI-Supported Microstructure Analyses in Metallography

14.04.2023 -

Automated Material Analysis Using Neural Networks


Evident opens new Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore

26.10.2022 -

New facility supports customers and employees in the APAC region with leading-edge technology.


Evident to be sold to Bain Capital

08.09.2022 -

Olympus is divesting its Evident subsidiary, which provides scientific and industrial solutions. The buyer is the private equity firm Bain Capital. According to the...


Olympus spins-out scientific solutions business

04.04.2022 -

Olympus Corporation completed the separation of its scientific solutions business to a wholly-owned subsidiary, Evident Corporation.

Products from this company


Unlocking the Future of Metal Inspection

Evident Europe GmbH -

The latest release of Evident’s PRECiV software is packed with powerful features that streamline metal inspection, product evaluation, and more.


Evident PRECiV 1.2 Makes Production, Quality Control and Inspection More Efficient

Evident Europe GmbH -

Evident expands its reliable PRECiV inspection software with powerful new features for faster product evaluation and measurement workflows.


Digital Microscope Camera for Standard Brightfield Imaging

Evident Europe GmbH -

19.05.2022 - The Olympus Evident LC35 microscope camera is equipped with a 3.5 megapixel CMOS sensor. With versatile exposure times and resolution modes, the camera...


Evident Europe GmbH

Caffamacherreihe 8-10
20355 Hamburg

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Fokus Nachhaltigkeit

Lesen Sie Fachbeiträge, News und Interviews zum Thema

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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