PhotonicsViews 4/2020

Cover Picture: PhotonicsViews 4/2020


Autonomous Driving Inspires Photonics to Thrive: The technology is now at the tipping point

Contents: PhotonicsViews 4/2020

  • Pages: 2-3
  • PDF

News: PhotonicsViews 4/2020

Products: PhotonicsViews 4/2020

  • Pages: 10-12
  • PDF

Communications: PhotonicsViews 4/2020

  • Pages: 13-15
  • PDF

Organizations & Initiatives: PhotonicsViews 4/2020

  • Pages: 16-17
  • PDF


Free Access

“Every Change We Made on the Chip Was an Adventure”: A portrait of Pim Kat, founder and former CEO of Technobis Group

Optical Measurement Technology

Free Access

Laser Forensics: The Invisible – Revealed and Measured: IR laser technology from Scanovis revolutionizes forensics; Ophir measurement technology simplifies adjustment of the optics

Free Access

Confocal Laser Vibrometry: Visualizing vibrations inside microelectromechanical systems

Advance Online Publication

Free Access

New Microstructured Optical Fibers for Innovative Lasers and Beam Transportation

  • Pages: 27
  • PDF


Free Access

THz‐Raman – A New Analytical Tool: Extending Raman spectroscopy to other spectral regions – modality for microscopes, vials and well plates


Free Access

Communications: PhotonicsViews 4/2020

  • Pages: 32-34
  • PDF

Market Report

Free Access

ADAS Sensors and Computing: A 22 Billion Dollar Market in 2025: Radar and camera are expected to lead the market, but more computing power and a new E/E architecture will be required

Trends in Manufacturing

Free Access

More Flexibility and Sharp Edges: Laser technologies extend the freedom of day‐night design and can also be applied to chrome (III)

Laser Materials Processing

Free Access

Blue Lasers Move Deeper Into Applications: Higher power and brightness enable new capabilities

Laser Cladding

Free Access

Less CO2 and Fine Dust Emissions in Automotive: High‐power laser cladding as a cost‐effective rotor coating solution

Machine Vision

Free Access

Measuring Wheel Movements at Speeds up to 155 MPH: Aicon automobile performance testing system equipped with high‐speed cameras from Mikrotron

Free Access

See, Recognize, Grasp: Industrial cameras optimize gripping processes of assembly robots

Laser Cutting

Free Access

In Colladon's Footsteps: Water jet laser evolution MMXX – applying modern IR fiber lasers to cut challenging applications


  • Pages: 58
  • PDF

Meetings: PhotonicsViews 4/2020

  • Pages: 59-60
  • PDF

Buyers' Guide

  • Pages: 61-63
  • First Published: 03 August 2020

Index & Masthead

Free Access

Company Index

  • Pages: 65
  • First Published: 03 August 2020

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