
30 years of exchange on laser technology

26.09.2024 - Review: 13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2024]

From September 15 – 19, LANE 2024 took place at the city hall of Fürth. The organizers – Bayerisches Laserzentrum and Institute of Photonic Technologies of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg – welcomed about 350 participants from all over the world. Since the beginning of the conference series in 1994, LANE has its focus on the exchange of up-to-date scientific results and developments on the application of lasers in research and production. Now, thirty years later, LANE is well-established in the international photonics community.

This year, about 200 talks – including top-class keynote and inspiring invited presentations – were given and discussed among the participants from science and industry. For the first time LANE had a joint session with the AITEM LaserEMobility community on “Laser Processes for Future Mobility”, which was very well attended and evaluated. The traditional “country special” in the closing plenary session focused on laser technology in Singapore. The conference program was framed by ceremonies for the WLT Award on the first day and the Best Presentation Award on the last day.

During all conference days, companies presented their innovative products and services. Integrated in the breakout areas, this accompanying exhibition makes LANE’s aim to connect science and industry lively. Again, the organizers of LANE attached great importance to a manifold social program. The various events from the “Photonics Casino Night” at the casual reception, the “Keep Lasers Running” early morning sports program, the conference banquet with the ennoblement of the new Knight of Laser Technology, Prof David Bourell, to the lab tour and cocktail session at the organizers’ laser labs in Erlangen, worked well for networking in a relaxed atmosphere.

From the very beginning, equal opportunities in science were of great importance for LANE. This year, workshops on reducing bias and inequalities in science and academic careers met with great interest among the participants and gave the attendees the chance to think outside the box to learn something beyond technical innovations.

Further reading: Global experts gather to advance laser-based manufacturing for e-mobility,, 08 August 2024 • Ali Gökhan Demir: LaserEMobility Workshop 2024 – Lasers are showcased in Munich as key enablers in EV manufacturing, PhotonicsViews 21(3), pp. 54–55 • International photonics community back in Franconia – Review: 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022], Fürth, Germany, 4 – 8 September 2022,, 29 September 2022


Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH (BLZ)

Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2-6
91052 Erlangen

+49 9131 977900

LPT – Lehrstuhl für Photonische Technologien

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Faculty of Engineering, Konrad-Zuse-Str. 3/5
91052 Erlangen

+49 9131 85-23241

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