PhotonicsViews issue 1/2024 is out!
16.01.2024 - Book ads for the issue 2/2024 covering AKL’24 and submit for 3/2024.
Issue 1/2024 – February / March ’24 – is online and has been mailed. It includes feature articles from or with Bosch Quantum Sensing, Cailabs, Diamontech, EPIC, III-V Epi, IMM Photonics, KDPOF, Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC), Physik Instrumente, Quantum Business Network, Quantum Science, Toptica Eagleyard, Trumpf Photonic Components, and more companies, organizations, and institutions.On the cover: Shenzhen JPT adjustable output beam (AOB) fiber laser.
Focus section is ‘photonics for quantum technology’.
Also on the cover: Optical neurons to interconnect sensors and artificial brains in autonomous vehicles & Photonic blood glucose measurement with infrared quantum cascade lasers.
The printed copies are now on their way to your mailboxes – read all articles ‘online open’ at the – or browse the e-paper on
Pitch your story for issue 3/2024 June/July/August by mid-February which will include a special section with topics that are covered by the Stuttgart Laser Technology Forum (SLT) in Stuttgart, Germany.
You want the printed issue in your mailbox? Please find the form for paid or qualified subscriptions for download here.