
Kamaros is the name for the Embedded Camera System API from Khronos

03.02.2023 - Khronos has officially set "Kamaros" (pronounced Kam-ă-ross) as the name for the Embedded Camera System API and its associated working group.

The Kamaros API Working Group, jointly sponsored by Khronos and the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA), is developing an open, royalty-free standard for camera system runtime control in the embedded, mobile, industrial, XR, automotive, and scientific markets.

Work on the Kamaros API specification began in March 2022, building on an extensive exploratory process involving more than seventy companies from March to December 2021 to reach strong industry consensus on the need, terminology, scope, requirements, and design methodology for a new open standard API for camera systems. The resulting Camera System API Scope of Work document is now being used to guide the Kamaros Working Group and API specification.

Significant progress toward API specification.

In addition to a new name and logo, the Kamaros Working Group is making significant progress toward creating an API specification by refining the Scope of Work to include specific features:

Loadable Layers: Following other Khronos standards such as OpenXR and Vulkan, Kamaros plans to include a command dispatch system that will allow developers to use installable layers for validation, profiling, debugging, and so on.

Multiple language bindings: Kamaros will define an object-oriented API that enables efficient bindings to C, C++, Python and other programming languages. The working group has made the API operating system independent, including support for minimal embedded operating systems.

Flexible, elegant API for controlling camera functions

The working group is currently defining a flexible, elegant API for controlling camera functions, including advanced use cases such as multiple cameras and sensors, and continues to work with embedded camera vendors to ensure requirements are aligned.

Any organization can join Khronos to participate in this global initiative and other Khronos working groups.

For more information, visit:


EMVA European Machine Vision Association

Gran Via de Carles III, 84 (3rd floor)
08028 Barcelona

+34 93 220 7201
+34 93 220 7201

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