Tactile and Optical Measurement Technology for the Automotive Industry
12.04.2022 - An optical sensor system specially developed for gear measurement and the ability to quickly switch between the 3D Nanoscan tactile probe system and the Hispeed Optoscan optical sensor enable flexible, fast and highly accurate measurement value recording under all conditions. With the current version of this option, it is possible to measure pitch, tooth thickness and gear concentricity on spur gears optically. As a result, the number of measurements for production-related quality control per shift and machine can be increased by an average of 20 percent. The attractiveness of the option increases with the number of teeth in the gearing to be tested.
In the area of gears that are of interest to the automotive industry, about two minutes can be saved in quality control per gear. In the case of gears in electromobility, which often have a large number of teeth, this gain in measuring time is even greater. The optical pitch measurement is carried out in the same way as the tactile pitch measurement, in accordance with VDI/VDE 2613 Group I.
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