Software Extension EyePerfect by EVT
Views, Checks and Measures Fully Automated
The novel software extension EyePerfect controls fully automated the presence and absence, the gross correctness and the exact size of components. The system was developed by EVT in the context of the one-button operation. This means, that the user has to configure the system with a proper example (golden part) once only. Now the checking can be started. Henceforth programming skills are not necessary anymore. All further objects are compared with the golden part. Even minimal variances are detected immediately by EyePerfect. Variances which are out of range of tolerance are marked in red and the object is selected automatically.
EVT Eye Vision Technology GmbH
Ettlinger Straße 59
76137 Karlsruhe
+49 (0) 721 626 905 82
+49 (0) 721 626 905 96