Optik / Photonik

Midwest Optical Systems, Inc.

Products from this company


Protective Windows for LWIR Imaging

Midwest Optical Systems, Inc. -

Silwir Silicon Protective Windows from Midwest Optical Systems (Midopt) are a cost-effective and readily available solution – compared to germanium – for Long-Wave...

News from this company

Machine Vision

Rauscher Now also Offers Filters from Midopt

31.05.2022 -

Imaging distributor adds Midwest Optical Systems (Midopt) filters and optical solutions to its portfolio.

Machine Vision

Bandpass Filters Excel in UV Fluorescence Applications

04.05.2022 -

Railroad ties are mainly made of wood. In the production process ­fluorescent paint helps to determine the wood’s sap side orientation. A combination of red and green...

Machine Vision

How Protective Windows and Coatings Influence Performance of Machine Vision Systems

09.10.2020 - Using the best protective window and coating combination for a given machine vision application can lead to better equipment performance, increased protection and efficiency, and...


Midwest Optical Systems, Inc.

322 Woodwark Lane
60067 Palatine
IL, United States

+1 847359 3550
+1 847 359 3567

Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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Digital tools or software can ease your life as a photonics professional by either helping you with your system design or during the manufacturing process or when purchasing components. Check out our compilation:

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